Maria Antonia Fernandez was born in Huércal de Almeria in 1986 in the lap of a gypsy family for whom Flamenco was never far away.
Her professional career started in 2007. At first she was performing in the peņa circuit, regional and national later on, and not too long thereafter larger groups started to rely on her vocal talent, such as that of dancer Manuela Carrasco.
She has also worked together with dancer La Lupi, Rafael de Carmen and guitarist Juan Carmona.
She was also hired as a soloist with the Ballet Espaņol de Murcia for the play La Casa de Bernarda Alba.
All this quickly gave her career an international dimension with performances in Italy, Hong Kong, China, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Liechtenstein, Morocco and France.
In 2009, she won the prestigious concourse of the Sevillan Flamenco federation. This led to a tour as a soloist and a move from Huércal de Almeria to Seville.
In 2012, she was awarded the prestigious Venencia Flamenca.
During that very same year she also released her debut album called Dame la Mano, which was highly praised by the music press.
Toņi Fernandez has since become a household name in the Flamenco world.
The Sonidos Negros resounds in her voice, which sounds and feels like a breath of fresh air to any Aficionado of the Cante Flamenco. A ray of sunshine that reminds us that it is still possible in the present day for a singer to rise and act as an ambassador to the people, who as it were, was born to sing.
Fortunately, we are occasionally blessed with the appearance of artists that remind us that there was something prior to the music such as the fear, the scream, the constriction, drama, joy,
Toņis voice takes us through a patchwork of feelings, human emotions, recognizable feelings that unknowingly wraps itself around you and becomes a part of yourself.
This is a testament to the very essence and strength of the Cante Flamenco.
Vocals without any emotional charge, that do not touch you, that convey no emotions translate into mere music.
Cante that does, translates into pure emotion. You feel it, it allows you to enjoy, it allows you to suffer.
This all sums up who Toņi Fernandez is, a singer but above all a proud and distinguished ambassador of the Cante Flamenco.
(original text by Sr Jéronimo Roldan)
With Toņi Fernandez (vocals), Ana Alonso (dance), guitar and palmas. |